Biophysics Wellness Program

Our AWI Wellness Program has as its core the precepts of the Life sciences which encompass the study of the human body and life processes. The confluence of those segments of the life sciences most integral to mapping, and prognoses, to remediation strategies and restoration, and to the veteran’s continuation of program outcomes that advance quality of physical and mental well being present the AWI Biophysics Wellness Program with a best tech and practices array of resources.
Amidst the program’s process of imparting the tenets of a “Self-Care” lifestyle to our veteran participants, great emphasis is placed on two vital areas: relationship building and confidence building. With a renewed and enhanced sense of self-reliance and accountability the veteran is prepared to take responsibility for day-to-day healthy living. The lasting relationship of mutual awareness between veterans and their primary care physicians facilitates taking ownership of their health and gaining greater understanding of the common and unique workings
of their own mind and body.
The AWI Biophysics Wellness Program is a Life Sciences based construct with its primary components taken from the fields of physiology, biomedical technology, human anatomy, molecular and cell biology, healthcare technologies, nutrition, and pharmaceuticals. The program begins with the intrinsic premise that the human body is capable of healing itself and the complimentary ways and means of nurturing that healing process exist within the balance of the life sciences.
The Preamble of AWI Biophysics Wellness consists of two tenets that drive the program. Our covenant with the veteran participant is contingent upon imparting the precept of Self Care within the core of our programs and the achievement of healing outcomes our participants can successfully integrate into their daily lives. The second consists of structuring various modular diagnostics, applications, treatments, and therapies allowing AWI to compile a clear and thorough picture of the veteran’s current neurological state of being and issues that may be impeding or disrupting quality of life.
Upon entry into the AWI Biophysics Wellness Program, a comprehensive participant profile of wellness, a screening series, and a comprehensive blood analysis combine to determine the level and methods of treatment that establish a veteran’s healing pathway. In collaboration with Eminent Wellness, the program coordinates appropriate application of treatment and therapeutic modules such as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Red Light Photo Biomodulation, Cryotherapy, Vibration Pro Plates, and much more.
Dr. Patrick Porter’s innovative work in the brain’s neuroplasticity and Brain Tap Technology have revolutionized brain science and balancing the hemispheres of the brain. Prescribed Brain Tap headphones applications, as part of the veteran participant’s healing path, have been used with outstanding results, improving memory, increasing focus, concentration, and critical thinking, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and increasing the brain’s serotonin levels to improve sleep quality.
Enhancing the program’s applications of biomedical technology modules, the complementary educational component of the veteran’s healing path is the AWI Biological Treatment and Behavior Modification platform. Integral to the veteran participant’s long-term whole quality of physiological and mental health, this self- actuating healing pathway encompasses acknowledging, initiating, and maintaining a personalized blueprint of lifestyle changes such as movement, motile exercise such as walking, hiking, cycling, and swimming, aerobics and anaerobics, Tai Chi, meditation, and reading, and spiritual connection.